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  • The Eclipse Comet

    By Violet Wisdom There will be more to see come Monday than just a rare eclipse. Known as the Millennial Falcon, a horned comet will be close enough to the sun for many to see. According to, this comet could have a brightness outburst during the eclipse that could create an even more noticeable halo. Officially named 12P/Pons-Brooks, the comet was first discovered in July of 1812, by French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons although it is documented as being possibly seen in China as far back as 1385. Brightness outbursts, or flares are a hallmark of Millennial Falcon. Coming into view around every 70 years, this 2023-2024 arrival began increasing in brightness and visibility just last month. Comets seen during an eclipse however are much more rare than you might think. There are only five known events since the year 418: The year 418- Seen during eclipse in Europe and China (documented by Byzantines) 1882- Seen during eclipse in England, Italy, France and Egypt 1893- Seen during eclipse in South America and Africa 1948- Seen during eclipse in Nairobi 1997- Hale-Bopp seen during eclipse in China Beyond the possibility of seeing a full eclipse and a comet this Monday, April 8, 2024 we will also be able to see Venus and Jupiter. Many astrologers believe that both comets and eclipses set periods of immense change. Additionally, they note the current connections of Mars- Saturn, and Mercury-Venus also initiate change. This very well could be one for the books friends.

  • On this Day: Famous (and Notorious) April Fools' Day Hoaxes throughout History

    By Faun Gray April Fools' Day revolves around tricking someone into falling for a prank or a fabricated tale. However, some individuals have taken it to the next level: Back on April 1, 1905, the Berliner Tageblatt, a German newspaper, issued a report claiming that thieves had dug an underground tunnel beneath the U.S. treasury and successfully made off with $268 million worth of silver and gold. In 1957, the BBC shocked viewers by broadcasting a story about Swiss farmers experiencing an extraordinary harvest of spaghetti. They even went as far as showing a video depicting people plucking noodles from trees. In 1962, SVT (Sveriges Television), the sole black and white television station in Sweden, announced that viewers could convert their existing sets into color televisions by simply stretching a nylon stocking over the screen. In 1983, Joseph Boskin, a professor at Boston University, concocted a tale while speaking to an AP reporter about the origins of April Fools' Day. According to Boskin, the day originated from an incident where Roman Emperor Constantine allowed his jester, "Kugel," to rule as king for a day. Unbeknownst to many, Boskin had completely fabricated the entire story. Then in 1985, Sports Illustrated published a fictitious article written by George Plimpton about an unknown pitching prodigy named Sidd Finch. This never-before-heard-of player was said to possess incredible skills and threw pitches at an astonishing speed. The story captivated readers until it was revealed that Sidd Finch was merely a fictional character. Throughout history, April Fools' Day has provided ample opportunities for creativity and mischief. These pranks and hoaxes serve as reminders of the human desire for humor and the joy of playing lighthearted tricks on others.

  • Eclipse Earthquakes - Will the New Madrid be Triggered on April 8?

    By Violet Wisdom September 17, 1811:  This annular eclipse was visible in the United States, however it was not as visible in southeastern Missouri where the first major New Madrid earthquake occurred on December 16, 1811. What was visible during those 7.2 to 8.2 magnitude quakes was a comet, the Great Comet. For nearly ten months this comet with a massive coma was visible as it moved across the globe, especially on that fateful day in New Madrid. As we begin the countdown to the coming eclipse, we ask; is there anything to the eclipse/earthquake connection theory? Knowing it has been 212 years since New Madrid has seen any earthquake of significance, could this be the catalyst? A 5.4 quake on November 9, 1968 in Dale, Illinois is the only event of note. Causing some building and chimney damage, the quake was felt along a large portion of the midwest, though it dwarfed the 1911/1912 quakes. If not an eclipse, what about the moon? A full or new moon, or more specifically, high tides in conjunction with these moon phases are believed by some to have an effect on earthquakes. Both the 8.8 magnitude 2010 earthquake in Chile and the 9.1 magnitude 2011 earthquake in Japan share this timely connection to high tide. The Chile earthquake occurred below a 98% full moon. I knew a man who worked as a miner in his youth. He told us stories about going days without seeing sunlight while working in man made caves. They had no clue what the weather was like during these long shifts, rainy, hot, sunny or cloudy was elusive to them. The moon though, when it was full, that they knew. The caves would crack. If not the moon, the sun? Earthquakes, The Solar Connection, was written by Patrick Huyghe, date unknown, released by the CIA on August 10, 2000. The article is entirely devoted to the work of Marsha Adams, a professor and scientist. Adams discovered the connection somewhat accidentally and researched the theory not on an astrological basis, but on a human biological basis. In the same way animals have always been known to run toward safety before an earthquake or tsunami, some humans have a tendency to become physically ill. Adams found the connection between the bouts of illness a few days before an earthquake was an occurrence of solar flares as well as an electromagnetic radiation that affects earth’s magnetic field. This led her to theorize that the flares caused both the human illness which was a quick response, and caused the earthquakes which occurred a few days later. She also found correspondences between solar flares and weather happenings and increases in violent behavior. The last of which is commonly expected by police officers worldwide during a full moon. However, because there wasn’t a negative human experienced/cause or natural event after every solar flare registered her theory still remains highly debated. Solar winds and solar flares aren’t fully understood. Astrophysicists are eagerly awaiting the eclipse because for them, it’s a rare opportunity to do some serious research. Also not understood is the sun’s extreme corona heat. With each eclipse, scientists discover something new, often an answer to an age old question. When this happens it usually creates a new mystery to solve. If solar flares affect our magnetic field, does an eclipse? Ham radio operators put the ionosphere to the test the last time we had an eclipse, and probably will do it again when the April 8 eclipse blacks out the sun through the mid section of our country. An eclipse does indeed affect radio frequencies. The most interesting part of their results thus far is that they don’t know exactly how it is causing the radio phenomenon. I’m afraid our quest to find out if the eclipse could cause an earthquake remains unanswered. It is apparent though that there is more to the awe inspiring event than just a fascinating celestial show. According to scientists, the only known physical effect of an eclipse is a possible decrease in temperature. With each occurrence, we learn more about our place in the universe. Maybe this time we’ll learn something phenomenal. Or at least, maybe the ham radio folks will solve their mystery. Whether there is or isn’t any connection to earthquakes from an eclipse, there is one fact that remains, New Madrid is due for some serious shaking. According to the United States Geological Survey, there is a 25%-40% chance of a major earthquake along the fault line in the next 50 years. While the USGS doesn’t categorize the fault as overdue, some large insurers have been dropping the availability of coverage for people living along the fault line for almost a decade. Whether that pressure point pops in a week or a few hundred years, it’s capable of creating a massive quake, and will someday do it again.

  • Unveiling the Mysterious Legend: The Ozark Howler - Unraveling the Enigma of the Ozark Howler

    B‍y Faun Gray The Ozark Howler, a creature of mystery and intrigue, has captivated the imaginations of many for centuries. Its existence has been the subject of countless legends and folklore, passed down through generations. But what is the Ozark Howler? Is it merely a figment of our imagination, or does it truly roam the dense forests of the Ozark Mountains? In this article, we delve into the enigma of the Ozark Howler, uncovering its origins and exploring the various theories surrounding its existence. What is the Ozark Howler? The Ozark Howler is a legendary creature that is said to inhabit the remote wilderness of the Ozark Mountains, spanning across Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Descriptions of the Ozark Howler vary, but it is commonly described as a large, cat-like creature, with shaggy black fur, glowing red eyes, and prominent horns on its head. Some eyewitnesses have also reported hearing its blood-curdling howl, which is said to resemble a combination of a wolf's howl and a lion's roar. Legends and folklore surrounding the Ozark Howler The Ozark Howler has been a prominent figure in the folklore of the Ozark region for centuries. According to local legends, the Howler is a harbinger of doom, an omen of death and misfortune. It is believed that encountering the Howler is a sign of impending tragedy or disaster. Many stories have been passed down through generations, recounting terrifying encounters with the creature and the unfortunate fate that befell those who crossed its path. The physical appearance of the Ozark Howler Eyewitness accounts and descriptions of the Ozark Howler vary, but there are some common physical features that are often mentioned. The creature is typically described as being larger than a typical mountain lion, with a muscular build and a long, sinewy tail. Its fur is said to be jet black, often matted and unkempt. One of the most distinctive features of the Ozark Howler is its glowing red eyes, which are said to be unnerving and piercing. Additionally, many accounts mention the presence of horns on the creature's head, adding to its otherworldly appearance. Eyewitness accounts and encounters with the Ozark Howler Over the years, there have been numerous reports of sightings and encounters with the Ozark Howler. While many remain skeptical, others firmly believe in the creature's existence based on their own firsthand experiences. Eyewitnesses speak of terrifying encounters with a creature that matches the descriptions of the Howler. Some claim to have heard its bone-chilling howl in the dead of night, while others have seen it lurking in the shadows of the dense forests. These accounts, although anecdotal, contribute to the ongoing fascination and intrigue surrounding the Ozark Howler. Unexplained phenomena attributed to the Ozark Howler In addition to sightings and encounters, there have been reports of unexplained phenomena that are believed to be linked to the Ozark Howler. Mysterious disappearances, strange animal mutilations, and eerie atmospheric disturbances have all been attributed to the presence of the Howler. These phenomena, although unproven, further fuel the speculation and curiosity surrounding the creature. Scientists and researchers continue to investigate these claims, hoping to shed light on the true nature of these events and their connection to the Ozark Howler. Theories and explanations of the Ozark Howler's existence The existence of the Ozark Howler remains shrouded in mystery, with various theories and explanations proposed to account for its presence in the Ozark Mountains. Some speculate that the Howler is a cryptid, a previously undiscovered species that has managed to evade scientific scrutiny. Others believe that it could be a surviving remnant of an ancient species, its isolation in the remote wilderness allowing it to persist undetected. Skeptics argue that the sightings and encounters are simply misidentifications of known animals or products of the imagination. The truth, however, remains elusive, and the search for answers continues. Debunking common misconceptions about the Ozark Howler There are several common misconceptions surrounding the Ozark Howler that are important to address. Firstly, despite its name, the Howler is not exclusive to the Ozark Mountains but has been reported in other regions as well. Secondly, the notion that encountering the Howler is a guarantee of doom is purely based on folklore and has no scientific basis. Finally, the idea that the Howler is a supernatural or mythical creature is not supported by any concrete evidence. It is crucial to separate fact from fiction when exploring the mystery of the Ozark Howler. The search for evidence - photos and sightings of the Ozark Howler The search for evidence of the Ozark Howler has been ongoing for decades. Researchers, cryptozoologists, and enthusiasts alike have scoured the Ozark Mountains in hopes of capturing photographic proof or gathering more eyewitness accounts. While some blurry photographs and alleged sightings have surfaced over the years, none have provided conclusive evidence of the creature's existence. The elusive nature of the Howler continues to frustrate those seeking tangible proof, perpetuating the mystery and allure surrounding this legendary creature. Conclusion: The enduring mystery of the Ozark Howler The legend of the Ozark Howler persists, captivating the minds of those intrigued by the unknown. While skeptics dismiss it as nothing more than folklore, the accounts of eyewitnesses and the unexplained phenomena attributed to the Howler keep the mystery alive. As we continue to explore the vast wilderness of the Ozark Mountains, the possibility of discovering the truth behind this enigmatic creature remains tantalizingly close yet frustratingly out of reach. Until then, the Ozark Howler will continue to occupy a place in the realm of legends and folklore, reminding us of the enduring power of mystery and the allure of the unknown. CTA: If you enjoyed delving into the mystery of the Ozark Howler, be sure to explore other legendary creatures and cryptids that continue to captivate our imagination. Share your thoughts and theories in the comments below!


    By Violet Wisdom NORRKOPING SWEDEN One of the largest archives on UFOs, the paranormal and all things unexplained is making headlines this week as it has reached its fifty-year anniversary. While Sweden might make you think of Volvos, IKEA and Mysa (you know, the Swedish version of Hygge, that super chill cozy up to the fireplace with a book and a cup of coffee in a super plain white mug fad that replaced Cottage Core? No? Never mind). Well, whatever they’re doing up there, it’s working. Sweden ranks fourth in the happiest country in the world. So, as it turns out, happy people are really into researching ghosts and ETs. The Archives for the Unexplained, better known as AFU currently has 2 ½ MILES of shelves packed with photos, tapes, books, newspaper articles, videos and objects. Collections include over 4,000 cassette tapes, 2,000 VHS tapes, 73,000 magazines, 20,000 UFO reports, and over 29,000 books. Just over a week ago the AFU opened an exhibition specific to UFOs that will be open to the public through the first week of November. Research materials available have been sourced world-wide with many coming from here in the United States to include collections from Barry Greenwood and Kenny Young as well as 1950s UFO tapes from John Otto. If you are looking for a specific subject you can contact them through their website. The site doesn’t specify the cost for retrieval, although it does state they have digitized much of their collections and continue to digitize incoming donations.

  • Alien Technology

    By Violet Wisdom I have this group of friends that I drink coffee with at least once a week and have been doing so for fifteen years. The group changes every so often, new people join, long timers leave, and when we do, we all go to the funeral. We do what most people who gather over coffee do, we talk about the weather, history, what we ate the night before, where we’re going on vacation and what our kids (and grandkids when applicable) are up to. In general, we solve all the world’s problems. What we don’t talk about is politics, religion or anything else that could warrant a strong reaction. We’re a diverse group, extremely diverse. We know what each other's ideals are, we just don’t talk about them. Our friendships are more important than our teams. Maybe we are solving the world’s problems. Now, everyone knows I’m a writer. I’ve talked a bit about some of the subjects I write about, the simple subjects, the ones that don’t incite any form of shock. There are a few staunch skeptics in the group that I was sure would fall off their chairs laughing if I were to go full disclosure. And then one day it happened. Without thought, it just slipped out, I write about UFOs. I braced myself for the entire cafe to turn silent, for the needle to scratch across the record, for the first person to pull out their most monotone voice and say, “Oh, you’re one of those.” But that’s not what happened. The two most skeptical friends in my group were giddy with questions. Beyond excited to share their sighting stories. “Of course they’re real, that’s how our technology exploded.” There it was, the rational, undeniable, science-based evidence that makes sense of lights and objects in the night sky doing things that can’t be done. If the theories are true, the late 1940s - early 1950s were the perfect storm for the unprecedented technology that was born of the era. WWII on its own gave birth to technological advances that won the war and fed the world. While it wasn’t all exactly good for us in the long run, that isn’t the point of this article. Just as Americans were using the technology created during the war to mass-manufacture tanks and ammunition to build cars and kitchen appliances, Roswell happened. Just as farmers were taking nitrogen left over from making military explosives and applying it to their fields, UFO sightings skyrocketed. Just as the things discovered to end one war were being tested in the western deserts in response to the possibility of another, much worse one on the horizon, our intergalactic neighbors started to show up. Many believe that our ability to explore space, from anti-gravity suits to the rockets themselves exist because of what our scientists learned from studying alien crafts during the postwar era. NASA was created by the National Aeronautics and Space Act on July 29, 1958. We had men on the moon just eleven years later on July 20, 1969. Dozens of theories on the subject have emerged since the 1940s, many of which came firsthand from scientists, military personnel and even astronauts. Some claim that computer chips, smart phones and AI, from its infant stage of Watson to today’s supercomputing, human replicating Multimodal versions are all based on alien technology. Some have even suggested we have been trading technology for decades. Some suggest we have even more technological abilities than we have made public such as teleportation and time travel. Is it possible that we mere humans are intelligent enough to create these mind-blowing machines? Sure, not being a computer scientist, I don’t know enough about the subject to say we couldn’t. Is it also possible though that even if that is true, we would be decades or even centuries away from getting to where we are now without ET help? Or at the least without the ability to study their crafts? This is where the theories get quite a bit of respect from people across all spectrums, skeptics and believers alike. When something simply doesn’t make sense and no-one of authority is willing to give a plausible explanation, theories arise. When the theories make more sense and are backed up by whistleblowers, (I don’t know what I saw, but it definitely wasn’t a flipping weather balloon), we deserve transparency. After eighty years of UFO/UAP sightings, the Pentagon is stating it is done investigating as nothing extraterrestrial exists here on earth. In the Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), which reads like a 6th-grade term paper, ALL the investigated sightings are being reported to be incorrectly identified as a UFO either because they were known objects such as airplanes and weather balloons or they were a visual oddity like a water vapor reflection. While these explanations are far from new, they are (at least for now) the end of the Pentagon’s interest in the subject. More specifically, this recent report states AARO does not have and never has had possession of alien technology such as a craft nor possession of an alien body. It goes on to state that no technology exists based on alien technology and that neither government, private entities nor universities have ever had alien technology. Volume I of the report released on March 6, 2024, begins by stating that AARO takes all sightings seriously and that it respects people’s attachment to the idea of ETs being the source of sightings. It goes on to explain that essentially, this is not the fault of the people who believe this but instead the fault of media, books and movies for putting the ideas in their heads. The following pages list several specific events that were investigated and deemed matters of miscommunication or misunderstandings, although few explanations are given for what the people who reported the events actually saw or heard. In regard to the use of elements not found on earth, the response is a simple denial. Even well-known events such as the 1947 Mount Rainier, Washington event are listed in some detail followed by a result that no evidence of an ET craft was found. Again, no explanation. I highly recommend you read this report. It will certainly be interesting to see Congressional response on this. We’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, I now have a new conversation topic for coffee with my friends. While we continue to solve the world’s problems over Peruvian dark roast, we’ll attempt to tackle the next burning question, if we did get this technology from an extraterrestrial source, should we thank them or wish they never shared in the first place? That one might take a while, I’ll let you know if we ever decide.


    By Violet Wisdom After eighty years of modern-day UFO/UAP sightings, the Pentagon is stating it is done investigating. as nothing extraterrestrial exists here on earth. In the Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), which reads like a 6th-grade term paper, ALL the investigated sightings are being reported to be incorrectly identified as a UFO either because they were known objects such as airplanes and weather balloons or they were a visual oddity like a water vapor reflection. While these explanations are far from new, they are (at least for now) the end of the Pentagon’s interest in the subject. More specifically, this week’s reports state AARO does not have and never has had possession of alien technology such as a craft nor possession of an alien body. It goes on to state that no technology exists based on alien technology and that neither government, private entities nor universities have ever had alien technology. Volume I of the report released on march 6, 2024 begins by stating that AARO takes all sightings seriously and that it respects people’s attachment to the idea of ETs being the source of sightings. It goes on to explain that essentially, this is not the fault of the people who believe this but instead the fault of media, books and movies for putting the ideas in their heads. The following pages list several specific events that were investigated and deemed matters of miscommunication or misunderstandings, although few explanations are given to explain what the people who reported the events actually saw or heard. In regard to the use of elements not found on Earth, the response is a simple denial. Even well-known events such as the 1947 Mount Rainier, Washington event are listed in some detail followed by a result that no evidence of an ET craft was found. Again, no explanation. I highly recommend that you read this report. It will certainly be interesting to see Congressional response on this. We’ll keep you posted!


    By Violet Wisdom ROROS, NORWAY- This particular region of Norway has been a hotspot for unidentified lights and UFO/USO sightings since 1947. While there are several offered explanations for this, including an E.T. craft, the mystery remains scientifically unsolved. A 2015 TIME magazine article collected several photos of the lights while sharing local theories from aliens to electric energy. It was announced this week that local researchers will be using solar to look for a craft that was seen in 1947. Many of the villagers, including the mayor, saw the craft and watched as it crashed into a nearby lake. The concept of using underwater sonar to locate a USO (Unidentified Submerged Objects) craft, the same technology used to find age-old wrecked ships isn’t new. It has been used for over a decade by serious professionals in lakes and even the ocean. There is one problem with this practice, it’s expensive. A team of researchers found what they believed to be USO wreckage in the Baltic Sea in 2012. While they were able to pinpoint exactly where the craft hit the sea’s floor and even determine there was in fact an object in the shape of a disk, they lacked the funds to retrieve it. The process of finding and removing anything from below the ground or from large bodies of water is tedious and requires absolute precision. It requires both a massive amount of equipment and people. Take the Oak Island treasure search for instance. The area on the island near a structure dating back to the mid 1700s has been a known treasure hub for at least two hundred years. Although several expeditions have been performed over the last couple hundred years, it wasn’t until the current televised search that it was fully excavated. The high cost of this kind of undertaking has been sustained because of the investment by the History Channel, for the show. This is the same direction the Swedish crew had hoped to take after finding potential UFO remains in the Baltic Sea. As the story seems to have faded into the past, it appears that option never came to fruition. With technology growing faster than we can even comprehend, it won’t be long before sonar will be able to provide enough evidence to gain financial support for future UFO searches. The researchers in Norway have every intention of digging out whatever it is that has been lying beneath their frozen lake since that unforgettable day in 1947. Let’s hope they find what they are looking for.

  • CUBE UFOs Presentation March 14

    The Un-X Network special presentation for March is being held live on March 14, 2024 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm Central Time on ZOOM The guest speaker is Larry Tyree Larry will cover: 1. When did we start to notice Cubes?  How many have been reported? 2. We will view 13 cases, all of which have images. 3. Of the photos in the most widely known cube cases, how reliable are they? 4. Why a cube shape? 5. What next? Larry Tyree is a Field Investigator with Illinois Chapter of MUFON. He is also part of a Combined Photographic Analysis team (COPA) from both Missouri and Illinois investigators. He enjoys assisting MUFON investigators by examining video evidence and providing an analysis of the video.Previously he was Chief Investigator with the Missouri Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Larry has made numerous video lecture presentations that exhibit images and data from cases that he has investigated.Tyree noticed objects moving in and out of Blue Springs Lake several years ago, and has paid particular attention to the activity in this area. Many of them are very fast moving craft. He has been a frequent presenter at local and state MUFON chapter meetings and paranormal conferences in Missouri. His talks included topics such as Anomalies on the Moon, Anomalies on Mars, Solar Visitors, “The Fast Movers,” Highlights of his own sightings, High Strangeness, studying sightings using math, and more. Larry has had a number of his investigated cases highlighted in the national publication “The MUFON Journal” over the last several years. One recent case was included in “UFO Cases of Interest, 2019 Edition.” His first book was co-written with Margie Kay and Bill Spicer and entitled “The Fast Movers”. Along with the same co-authors, a new book is being assembled and will be published hopefully sometime the Spring of 2024 entitled “Earth’s Unseen Inhabitants”.Tyree grew up in French Polynesia where he learned three languages. He is currently fluent in five languages. He travelled extensively around the world and for over twenty years was Director of Language Translations for an international denomination. He retired at the end of 2020, and lives with his wife in Naperville, Illinois. He has two married children and three grandchildren. Un-X Network Subscribers may attend for free Link: Passcode: UFOMTG1 Passcode: UFOMTG1No need to pre-register, just click on the link​

  • The Mystery of Missing Persons in our National Parks

    By Margie Kay As an avid nature lover and outdoor enthusiast, I have always been drawn to the beauty and serenity of national parks. These vast expanses of wilderness hold an allure that is hard to resist. However, as much as I love exploring these natural wonders, there is a dark underbelly to these idyllic landscapes - the phenomenon of unexplained missing persons in national parks. It is a chilling and perplexing mystery that has plagued these protected areas for decades. Historical Cases of Missing Persons in National Parks The history of unexplained missing persons in national parks dates back to the early 20th century. One of the most well-known cases is that of Dennis Martin, a six-year-old boy who vanished without a trace in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in 1969. Despite extensive search efforts, Dennis was never found, leaving his family and investigators baffled. Another haunting case is that of Stacy Arras, who disappeared in Yosemite National Park in 1981. Stacy was an experienced hiker, yet she vanished without a trace while on a solo backpacking trip. Her disappearance remains unsolved, leaving her family and friends devastated and searching for answers. Characteristics of Unexplained Missing Persons Cases What makes these cases even more perplexing is the lack of evidence and the mysterious circumstances surrounding the disappearances. In many instances, the missing persons seem to vanish into thin air, leaving no clues or traces behind. Some witnesses have reported strange phenomena, such as unexplained lights or eerie sounds, adding a further layer of intrigue to these already baffling cases. Furthermore, the demographics of the missing persons are diverse, ranging from children to experienced hikers. This phenomenon does not discriminate based on age, gender, or hiking experience, making it all the more chilling. Theories and Speculation Surrounding the Disappearances Numerous theories and speculations have emerged over the years in an attempt to explain the unexplained missing persons in national parks. Some believe that these disappearances are the work of serial killers or criminal organizations operating within the parks. Others attribute the vanishings to supernatural or extraterrestrial phenomena. One particularly intriguing theory is the existence of hidden portals or vortexes within the national parks. According to this theory, these portals could be responsible for transporting individuals to other dimensions or parallel universes. While this theory may seem far-fetched, it is a testament to the desperate search for answers in the face of inexplicable circumstances. Controversies and Cover-ups Surrounding Missing Persons The phenomenon of unexplained missing persons in national parks has also been shrouded in controversy and alleged cover-ups. Some believe that park authorities and government agencies have been withholding information about the true number of missing persons and the circumstances surrounding their disappearances. These allegations have fueled conspiracy theories and further deepened the mystery surrounding this phenomenon. Efforts and Organizations Dedicated to Raising Awareness and Finding Answers Despite the challenges and controversies surrounding the issue, there are dedicated efforts and organizations that have emerged to raise awareness and find answers. The National Parks Service has implemented safety measures and educational programs to educate visitors about the potential risks and precautions when exploring these natural wonders. Additionally, organizations such as the Missing 411 Project has been tirelessly investigating and documenting these cases, bringing attention to the issue and advocating for a deeper understanding. Safety Tips for Visiting National Parks While the unexplained missing persons phenomenon may be unsettling, it is important to remember that millions of people visit national parks each year without incident. However, it is always wise to take precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when visiting national parks: 1.       Plan your trip and inform someone about your itinerary. 2.       Be prepared with proper gear, including maps, first aid kits, and extra food and water. 3.       Stay on designated trails and avoid venturing off the beaten path. 4.       Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. 5.       Travel in groups whenever possible, especially in remote areas. 6.       Keep emergency contacts and important information readily accessible. 7.       Follow park regulations and heed any warnings or closures. Famous Unsolved Missing Persons Cases in National Parks Among the countless cases of unexplained missing persons in national parks, there are a few that have captured public attention and remain unsolved to this day. One such case is the disappearance of Paul Fugate, who went missing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in 1980. Paul was an experienced hiker, and his disappearance has puzzled investigators for decades. Another well-known case is that of , who vanished in Crater Lake National Park in 1997. Amy was on a solo backpacking trip when she mysteriously disappeared. Despite extensive search efforts, no trace of her has ever been found. Expert Opinions and Insights on the Phenomenon Experts and researchers have offered various insights and opinions on the phenomenon of unexplained missing persons in national parks. Some attribute the disappearances to environmental factors, such as extreme weather conditions or natural hazards. Others suggest that human factors, such as criminal activity or accidents, could be responsible. However, the truth is that there is no consensus among experts, and the mystery surrounding these disappearances continues to baffle and intrigue both the public and professionals alike. Conclusion: The Importance of Raising Awareness and Finding Solutions to the Issue The phenomenon of unexplained missing persons in national parks is a chilling mystery that demands attention and action. While the true cause of these disappearances remains unknown, it is crucial to raise awareness and advocate for further investigation into these cases. By sharing information, supporting organizations dedicated to finding answers, and practicing safety precautions when visiting national parks, we can contribute to a safer and more informed exploration of these natural wonders. Only through collective efforts can we hope to shed light on this enigma and bring closure to the families and friends of the missing persons.

  • UFOs Best Seen in the West U.S., AI Aliens, and More!

    WEST CAN BE BEST MOST LIKELY TO SEE A UFO- According to geographers at the University of Utah, the western United States is the best place to see a UFO. The largest concentration of sightings known as hotspots run north from New Mexico and west to the pacific coast. A smaller hotspot can also be found in the northeast tip of the United States. THE SKY REALLY IS DIFFERENT IT’S ALL ABOUT THE VIEW-  One explanation for western hotspots is the air itself. Especially in less populated areas, the sky has less light pollution and is therefore clearer. Much of the west being mountainous or desert, there are also fewer trees which allow a better view.   Clearer skies, fewer trees, less pollution and light pollution in rural areas. It could be assumed that the frequency of UFOs entering our line of sight isn’t less in other areas, just more difficult to see. AI ALIENS- NEW MEXICO- Using radio signals in combination with artificial intelligence, researchers at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory believe they could find proof of extraterrestrial existence. While AI technology is being utilized in the search for extraterrestrial life, it has also been suggested this week that it could be extraterrestrial life. To simplify; a non-organic lifeform of artificial intelligence could be a cyber resident. If this is the case it would explain the lack of biological evidence, although both could exist. It is also worth noting that the concept of uploading human consciousness into a machine was suggested by Michio Kaku over a decade ago. There’s something to think about.

  • A Coffin Surprise in the Backyard

    By Violet Wisdom A recent finding of a tiny coffin in a California backyard begs the question, could this happen anywhere? Edith Howard Cook’s coffin and remains were found fully preserved. For hundreds of years, Americans were burying their loved ones in small family cemeteries before modern large cemeteries were created. Once those cemeteries became common, municipal zoning regulations made it illegal for most people to continue the at home burial practice. In the case of the California coffin, it was actually buried in a cemetery back in 1876 which was later relocated for land development. Edith Howard Cook’s coffin was accidentally left behind. Moving cemeteries has also been a common practice over the years due to relocating land for housing, business developments and the creation or widening of roads. There is a small cemetery that butts up to the edge of the main road I drive to the KUNX office every day. Most of the graves were moved when the road was created, many left intact are up against the curb. To answer the question proposed, could this happen anywhere?, the answer is yes. The following are a few facts to consider beyond the possibility of a grave relocation such as the one in California: Native Americans have lived here for at least 23,000 years. This most recent update having come from archaeologists just last year. With the advent of supercomputers (which can reduce carbon dating testing from years to minutes), and the physical changes to soil due to fires and lake water evaporation, I expect an onslaught of new discoveries and data to start pouring in. Because Native American burial practices were typically so different from modern-day American practices, these historic graveyards are much harder to spot. Numerous unmarked graves of Indigenous children have also been found in recent years at the locations of former Christian cultural reform schools both in the United States and Canada. Migration graves such as those along the California and Oregon trails were often unmarked or simply marked with wood or stone. As pioneers moved west, many died of illnesses such as cholera and injuries. They had no time to stop and create a cemetery, they simply buried the dead in a shallow grave and moved on. According to the Bureau of Land Management, 20,000 to 30,000 pioneers died along the Oregon California Trail alone. The graves of enslaved people were also commonly unmarked and in cases of mass deaths due to illnesses such as cholera, they were often buried in mass graves. A Girl Scout Troop in South Carolina discovered nearly 200 unmarked graves in 2022. Most of which are believed to have been enslaved people. Wherever people have tread, they have also perished. While Edith Howard Cook’s coffin and remains were found fully preserved, that is rarely the case. Most graves are found during excavation and consist only of scattered remains. ALL GRAVES are protected, marked or unmarked. They are also accessible by law for living relatives to visit whether on private or public land. For more details on this subject and more, be sure to sign up for your advanced copy of " Before you Buy: How to Research a House for Ghosts" written by myself and Margie Kay which will be out this fall.

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