Consciousness and Contact with Rey Hernandez (archives only) | The Un-X Network
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Consciousness and Contact with Rey Hernandez  | The Un-X Network (archives only)

Consciousness & Contact

with Rey Hernandez

Live shows do not currently air on Un-X Network, but archived shows are available.

Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez is one of the four co-founders of FREE (The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters).  The other three co-founders include the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell; Dr. Rudy Schild, an Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University; and Mary Rodwell, a leading Australian UFO and Contact phenomenon researcher. Rey and his entire family have experienced conscious physical contact with non-human intelligence in their family home. All of the family members have also had various contact experiences with large UFOs. In one instance, a football stadium-sized craft only 30 feet from Rey, his daughter, and three adult witnesses, hovered over them in silence for more than forty-five minutes. His family has also had numerous paranormal experiences beginning in March of 2012.  Before these experiences, Rey was ignorant of UFOs, ET Contact and the paranormal, and identified as an atheist and material rationalist. He is now a deeply spiritual person who has been completely transformed by his experiences.


Rey graduated with honors from Rutgers College, was a Masters Candidate at Cornell University and was a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California at Berkeley where he was the recipient of a National Science Foundation Ph.D. Fellowship.  He previously was a Professor for six years at the New School for Social Research and at the City University of New York.  He is currently an attorney with the US Dept of Treasury in New York City. 


Previous to March 2012, Rey had zero interest in the topics of Consciousness or any of the so-called paranormal Contact Modalities.  On March 4, 2012, Rey and his wife personally witness a miraculous medical healing of their paralyzed dog, who they were going to euthanize that same day, by an Energy Being that appeared in their living room.  After seeing large UFOs randomly appear to them, they later began to call down large UAPs, some appearing at a distance of less than 30 feet.  Over the next 3 years Rey began to have a series of non-stop paranormal experiences.  Since then, Rey, and a team of Ph.D. academics and medical doctors, have dedicated their lives to studying the relationship between Consciousness and the Contact modalities.

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