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From early this morning! The Paranormal 60 with Dave Schrader - Ghosts, Vampires & Monsters

October is here and spooky season is officially underway! Dave sits down with Bridget Marquardt, the Ghost Magnet to discuss her haunting history and experiences with ghosts! The Comedic tag-team of Jamie Kaler and Jason Gowin return to discuss a few lost aspects of cinema history...long before Cowboys vs. Aliens, the Wild West had to deal with Vampires and the re-animated dead, with Dracula and Frankenstein's daughter. Upon Further review saddles us and returns us to the thrilling days of yesteryear with a cloud of dust, the thundering hoofbeats of horses and the blazing pistols of Billy the Kid and Jesse James! Plus we look at some creepy horror recommendations for the Halloween Season.

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The first of two guests is Tom, from the state of Georgia in the United States. Tom believes he has developed some unusual abilities, which he calls 'upsight', that allows him to connect with different beings. Then we make our way to Kilkenny Ireland, to hear from Shane, and Shane has had close encounters with light orbs, a flyover of a flying saucer and a triangular craft, and he has also experienced telepathic messages and Visions.

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