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Catch the X on Social Media

UnX Network operates several Facebook groups which our fans love. They are in keeping with our paranormal and unexplained phenomena theme, and there are many great posts in the groups. Some even show photos of real paranormal phenomena. Join one or join them all!

UnX Network: Obviously, this group is our official UnX Network group and you'll find upcoming show promotions, and posts by our hosts and fans here.

Spooklights around the world: Interesting spooklight sightings are posted by members. No one knows what they are yet!

Haunted Sites Worldwide: If you're into hauntings this is the place to discuss your experiences and see what others have explored. Worldwide Mothman and Winged Creature Sightings: Yes, its a thing. Many people are seeing strange unexplained cryptid creatures with wings. From very large mothman type creatures to pterodactyls, to tiny fairies - they are here!

Paranormal/UFO Talk Show Guests & Hosts: If you are a talk show or podcast host be sure to post your shows here. If you are a potential guest, please post your information so hosts can contact you for interviews. By the way, this group is open to ANY show, not just UnX programs.

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