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Updated: Oct 10, 2023

By Violet Wisdom

1. WHY MARYLAND? - Making major headlines this week is none other than… Maryland. That’s right, the “Old Line State” has had nearly 2,000 UFO reports in just the last few decades. Maryland is known for blue crabs, islands and of course being one of the original 13 states. Unless our outer planetary friends are planning an all you can eat seafood buffet, what is the UFO draw? Better yet, back to the original question Why Maryland for a hot spot UFO headline when it actually ranks #7 is states with the fewest UFO sightings. Either there is some missing information in this story, or the fact that most of the news reports don’t specify that the thousands of sightings occurred over a twenty some odd year period was missed by readers. Either way, as more and more people keep their eyes to the skies and new programs destigmatize reporting, more and more people will.

2. DAN TERRY TAKES THE SPOTLIGHT- Our own Dan Terry, host of Most Haunted was recently featured in a story entitled Ghost Tours at Mount Airy. With a focus on Dark Tourism, Spectrum News 1 of Greensboro, North Carolina highlighted Dan’s podcasts, authorship and ghost stories. Way to go Dan!

3. YOUR NAME HERE- In case you haven’t heard, UnX Network is having a photo contest! Enter right here on by submitting a few photos of your house in its best Halloween adornment. In addition to getting your name here, you will also receive TWO tickets to X-Con 2023! So get decorating and get us those pictures, the contest ends on October 16th. Enter at Contests | UNX Network

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