Live from Hollywood It's Paranormal Tonight
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Live from Hollywood... It's Parnaormal Tonight with Dan Harary | The Un-X Network

Fenómenos inexplicables Australia

con Ben Hurle

Miércoles 7:00 p. m. (EST)

From Springsteen to Spielberg, Seinfeld to Streep, Howard Stern to Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Hugh Hefner to Alice Cooper, Al Gore to Micky Dolenz, Mary Tyler Moore to Drew Carey, Kevin Costner to Mel Brooks, and Milton Berle to Jack Black, Dan Harary knows a thing or two about celebrities. A renowned Hollywood Publicist for over 40 years, as well as the owner of the award-winning Asbury PR Agency in Beverly Hills, CA, Dan has met, worked with, or interacted with, a virtual “Who’s Who” of the entertainment industry since 1972.


And not only does he know about fame - Dan is also a lifelong “experiencer” of supernatural events. Since the age of 5, he’s been interacting with ghosts, poltergeists, angelic voices and spirit guides, UFOs, mind-reading incidents, remarkable coincidences, conversations with the dead in dreams, a gargoyle, and everything in between! Few people have ever been as equally prolific in both of these two unrelated worlds.

In addition to his ongoing work as a Hollywood Publicist, Harary is also the Author of several popular books, including FLIRTING WITH FAME (2022) and AFTER THEY CAME (2023)


In November 2023, Dan created and Co-Founded The Hollywood Disclosure Alliance (HDA) - a truly unique gathering of top UAP/ET researchers, authors and documentarists based around the world, who have joined forces with noted Hollywood producers, directors, performers and screenwriters. Dan serves as HDA’s Chairman.


Dan’s next two books, MY PARANORMAL LIFE: SUPERNATURAL STORIES FROM A HOLLYWOOD INSIDER (Bear Manor Media) and FIVE (Genius Book Publishing) will be released during May 2024.


The father of an adult daughter, Dan Harary lives in Beverly Hills, CA.


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